1 Thing You Never Knew About Funny
You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just smile.
Not everyone has the power to tickle your funny bone. What is it that we find funny? What is the secret mix inside what we find funny? What makes anything funny? I have one word for you:
What is benign violation you may ask?
We all store information in chunks. Like if I say dogs, then, you imagine a dog and everything related is accessible like dogs like to play, bark, roll on the grass etc. Now, if I say I went to a meeting presided by a dog and he woofed me to the meeting. You find this amusing and it’s most of the times the premise of jokes. You take things out of their normal context and put somewhere else to make it funnier, to amuse you. Your ideas are violated on a benign level which means a subtle violation of your present set of ideas. It’s also a subtle violation if its something you never thought of but hey, that’s a good thing right, expanding your horizons.