7 Quotes by Tesla for Boosting Your Motivation Up
You just opened this article on your phone or laptop?
Your phone, your laptop, your lights, your washing machine, nothing works without electricity.
We have come a long way from burning oil lamps.
It is all thanks to one and only, Tesla (Not Elon Musk’s).
Nikola Tesla is the futurist-cum-mechanical engineer-cum-electrical engineer who single-handedly boosted the future of Earth by leaps and bounds. Such was his prowess that his many of his patents are still under lock and key. They are still world-shaking, even after more than 150 years of his death.
He has existed beyond time because his thoughts were beyond time.
In times of oil lamps, he thought of lighting the night up and with his achievement, he bettered all our lives for times to come.
Let’s look at what this futurist genius had on his mind.
Be ready to electrified by his thoughts.
One resounding thought in all the great minds of this world is this.