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Girls Are NOT Bad At Math
Whenever you go look into fields that are more mathematically inclined, you find an under-representation of women. Why is this so?
Shocker, it’s not the age-old sexist remark that ‘Girls are Bad at Math’.
All brains are created equal and everybody has the power to pursue anything. But, then, why is it that we at every step debilitate and reduce the horizons of the girls around us by saying ‘Girls are bad at math’. Is that really the case, I have seen boys who are shit at math.
Glorious examples of girls who are NOT BAD at math are:
If this doesn’t convince you, let science convince you.
In a Nature research article lies the truth of the matter. The article says that the advantage boys have over girls in the field of mathematics is negligible compared to the advantage girls have over boys in terms of reading (language tasks).
Which means:
Boys were so bad at reading that girls had to do that job for them. And in return, they get a sexist remark rather than thanks.
Yes, girls are NOT BAD at math. It’s just that boys are shit at READING. Yes, you read that right. It’s not the fault of girls that they are…