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Profound and Complete Happiness: A Fascinating Way
Being happy all the time is a fool’s paradise idea. Let’s clear this up with Sigmund Freud’s golden words on happiness:
Strive after happiness; they want to become happy and to remain so. This endeavor has two sides, a positive and a negative aim. It aims, on the one hand, at an absence of pain and displeasure, and, on the other, at the experiencing of strong feelings of pleasure.
What Freud points out is the dichotomy of every experience and emotion you have. We live in a mirror world where everything has an contrasting aspect of it. You can’t know what is feeling cold if you haven’t felt hot? Or let this quote by J.S. Foer do the work for me.
You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
It’s simple and yet, we against all reason tend to chase after happiness. But, is it about the chase or being content.
Let’s break it up into some scientific jargon, so, we get a bird eye’s view on this one.
Hedonia and Eudaimonia are the two aspects of Happiness.