“You Are Worthless” — Why You Should Be Happy About It And Why It Is The Ultimate Cheat Code To Life?

Abhishek Verma
Oct 19, 2023
Source: Author

Have you ever seen those prank gift boxes with a gift inside a gift and so on and at the end, a gift with a “Got You” note in it?

Society gives you worth by wrapping you up in similar gift boxes.

Body count.

A ton of other damn labels.
What is there at the end?
The real YOU.

Ask yourself what are you without all these things?
You are but a bag of bones with a bow of skin on it.
Go beyond the shallowness of society and take a look at the real YOU.

The real YOU had no worth because nobody can’t define it. Define your worth for yourself.

Till that time comes, stay worthless.

